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سعود الكبير, Al Quds, Riyadh 13214, Saudi Arabia


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    What We Do

    Last updated: November 25, 2023

    About bigbag

    bigbag is a multi-vendor online marketplace, which is mainly focuses on staple foods, necessary consumer goods, and household essentials. bigbag identifies the geo-location of the customer and displays the product catalogue from various retailers inside the geo-fence. During checkout, bigbag creates store-specific carts in a ranked order depending on the availability of the items, the location that is nearest to the customer, and the total cost. Customers can select the preferred cart as per their choice by comparing price and availability.

    Benefits for Customers

    bigbag allows you say goodbye to the monotony of grocery shopping and welcome to a simple, laid-back method of browsing and purchasing food items. From the convenience of your home or workplace, shop for all of your food and grocery needs. Due to the lifestyle and demands, majority of human beings are becoming increasingly occupied. There can be a big rush at retail outlets on holidays, weekends especially during promotional events. Customers can shop even after shop closing. Family can plan together on budget and schedule. With bigbag, ordering from your favorite retailers is simple. With a choice of various merchants and dependable local grocers across KSA, you may shop for products from stores close to you and ensure quick availability.

    Advantages for Retailers

    bigbag is a complete e-commerce platform that enables essential commodities retail business to go online and helps sellers to start and manage their business via online. Vendors can setup an online store and sell in multiple channels, including web, mobile, social media and online marketplaces. bigbag provides a complete set of tools for managing online stores, such as product sourcing, sales, inventory, payment services, delivery, customer profile, marketing, and reporting, among other things. We handle bringing retail businesses online using cutting-edge technology without requiring any upfront investments.

    -- Happy Shopping

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